Thursday, March 18, 2010

How To Get Rich

How do you lay the foundation for getting rich? Its a process we all must have the patience and passion to attain.

Mark Cuban understands how to get rich. His success has come from the ability to see opportunity and take the necessary steps to accomplish his goals. This is certainly an over-simplification, but understand that is a macro-approach to the situation. Gaining real wealth means expending all the resources at your disposal and committing the house when the right shot comes around. In youth, the stakes are high but manageable. I don't want this blog to always seem like we have nothing to lose because of our age, but it should drive home the point that now holds fewer consequences.

Even if the right opportunity is not in front of you at this moment, the preparation will make all the difference. Mark has always been very specific about the role discipline must play starting out. There are no shortcuts to real wealth and no gimmicks that will actually make this process any easier than the sweat and stress involved. The discipline takes on a few dimensions. The first is the discipline of saving money and shopping smart. No matter your salary, conserve as much money as possible, not for long term retirement, but in order to have the cash available to make a significant play at the right opportunity. Cash is king in business.

The next facet of discipline involves the patience it takes to wait for an unstable market to attack. Get the best deal possible and be ready for a bust at any time. Learning the business you want to pursue should include learning the historical causes of booms and busts. You must commit to understanding the data and the ramifications from numbers that seem inflated or overexposed. It is during these times whe you use that money you have been conserving. See the opportunity and seize it.

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